Hello and first and foremost welcome to my online store!

Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Excentrico and I am the administrator of the sitee. When I'm not running an online store, I'm traveling all over the UK and Europe as a fulltime professional wrestler.

It's an exciting life fighting some of the best talents in Europe, if not the world, as a masked wrestler and everywhere I go people have asked "Excentrico your mask is so cool, where could I get one?" or "Have you ever thought about selling T shirts?". So that's how my online store came to fruition.

All the merchandise you see on sale here have been originally developed by me, I've had the pleasure and priviledge to work with some talented artists, mask makers, photographers and editors who have helped me bring my ideas to life. I want to try to keep the cost of the products as low as possible, to me it's not as much about making profit as it is the give back to the wrestling audiences who make it possible for me to live my dream as a full time wrestler. I love creating smiles and generate memories hopefully this stuff will help me in that

As a special thank you for shopping here, every order gets free Excentrico pictures as a gift!

You can find me on Facebook, search Excentrico Lucha. I'm also on Twitter and Instagram @ExcentricoLucha

I'd like to give a special shout out and thank you to the talented photographer Tony Knox for taking most of the pictures on this site.

Lastly I'm constanty on the lookout for new artists to collaborate with to create new products. If you draw or create and would be interested in collaborating to create new products for Excentrico Merchandise, you can email me at [email protected] or contact me on Facebook.

Hope you enjoy your visit to my store and hopefully I'll see you soon! Many thanks for your support!

- Excentrico